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- Cathodic Protection

Cathodic Protection

Networks and facilities can include below ground steel piping and equipment including:
•    Buried LPG storage tanks
•    Buried plant and cross country
•    Pipelines
•    Steel in reinforcement concrete


Any facility maintenance or asset management program with these types of systems and equipment needs to give due consideration to Cathodic Protection (CP) Systems.

Cathodic protection is defined as protection of a metal structure from corrosion by making it act as an electrical cathode. Corrosion is a naturally occurring phenomenon commonly defined as the deterioration of a substance (usually a metal) or its properties because of a reaction with its environment.  This would be demonstrated as corrosion of the equipment.

Corrosion occurs as a result of an electrochemical reaction driven by a potential difference between two electrodes, an anode and a cathode, connected by an electronic path and immersed in the same electrolyte. In the case of uniform corrosion, a multitude of microscopic anodic and cathodic sites exist on the surface of the metal structure. 

There are two types of cathodic protection:

  1. Galvanic Anode Cathodic Protection - In this type of CP, protection is achieved by connecting the protected structure to a sacrificial anode, which is placed close to the protected structure. Sacrificial anodes are made from active metals such as zinc, aluminum, or magnesium, which are considered the most active metals according to the galvanic series.
  2. Impressed Current Cathodic Protection - In this type of CP, protection is achieved by connecting the protected structure to an anode bed through a transformer rectifier (TR). The anode bed is a series of buried anodes that are electrically connected and surrounded by certain backfill to reduce their resistance to the earth. The anode bed should be placed remotely from the protected structure

Lootah BCGas is uniquely qualified and experienced both types of CP Systems. We offer in-house capabilities using full-time dedicated and qualified LBCG staff. We have undertaken local and regional projects for all types of pipeline and equipment applications. LBCG can be your turnkey solution for CP programs, inspections, maintenance, and rectification needs.


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