Dear Valued Customer, We are happy to announce that "Lootah BCGas" Mobile Application is available for downloading via Andriod or iOS as per your convenience.

- Operation Maintenance & Gas Supply

Operations and Maintenance

  • Operational Safety and Reliability
  • Operations of plants, tank farms, networks
  • 24/7 Emergency response and callouts
  • Planned, predictive, emergent, and  reactive maintenance services
  • Controls and instruments to include Supervisory Controls and Data Acquisition (SCADA), Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), analyzers,  flow computers, gas panels, Gas Chromatographs/ Mass Spectroscopy (GC/MS), Remote Terminal Units (RTUs), ultrasonic meters, and  volume correctors
  • Calibration and certification for systems and equipment to include gas detection, tanks and  vessels, meters and metering devices, cathodic protection, controls and instrumentation
  • Training and procedures development and support
  • Implementation and use of Computer Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) such as Maximo and SAP.
  • Plant Operation System (MPOS) Operational and safety systems of the gas send-out plants
  • Operations Management (OMS, MRS) Tracking job orders, maintenance, customer service and emergency response activities
  • Document Management System, Registered management of all O&M documents – standards, work instructions, forms, changes, recipients, completions

Supply and Delivery of Gas

Lootah BC Gas can provide supply and delivery of gas for facilities and end users. We can supply LPG, propane, and cylinders via transport. We can also supply LPG, Propane and Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG) through our series of distribution networks. Our services can also include metering and billing for deliveries and supply.


Services are customized to provide value added benefits for end users. 

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