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- Pressure Reducing and Metering Stations

Pressure Reducing and Metering Stations (PRMS)

LBCG projects recognize the importance and significance of well designed, fit-for-purpose, and cost efficient PRMSs. Proper pressure reduction must accommodate design requirements for the facilities and system while recognizing and complying with the associated regulatory and functional requirements. Proper metering is crucial to the accuracy and revenue generation for the utility or facility. Both of these factors are thoroughly and effectively incorporated into LBCG reducing and metering designs and installation.

Pressure reducing stations can be designed and fabricated to required sizes and component configurations. Examples would include twin-stream systems to provide back-up reliability and continued functionality during maintenance and outages. LBCG also incorporates the desired active and monitoring regulation functions for accuracy and minimizing transient effects of pressure fluctuations.

Metering stations incorporate LBCGs expertise and thorough understanding of metering principles and requirements. Our technical capabilities in terms of calibration and volume correction as well as our familiarity and expertise with the integrated equipment ensure metering equipment can be relied upon to deliver precise, accurate and thorough metering information.

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